my Vita...
- born 1962
- for the last 25 years I was working in the Investment Banking world.
- since 2008 alternative practitioner
- previously trained in several practices
- continually being informed and looking at new therapies
Education in Natual Medicine
- Acupuncture: 3 year with 1014 hours in practice and 214 hours in Clinic
- 5 Elements Acupuncture: 1 year with 5 Weekends
- Bioresonance Therapy
- Cellsymbiosis Therapy / Mitochondrial Therapy
- Chelation Therapy
- Orthomolecular Therapy
- Laboratory Diagnositcs
- Gastrointestinal Check
- Neural Therapy
- Infusion Therapy
- Toxin Removal Therapy
- Bioidentical Hormone Therapy
- Oil-Protein-Food from Dr. Johanna Budwig
- Kinesiology
- Aku-Taping
- Schüßler Salz Therapy
- Foot Reflexology Therapy
Professional Membership
- AGTCM Mitte, Offenbach (Acupuncture)